Sunday, December 19, 2010

One Year Ago (and a few days...)

December 16 marks the anniversary of the day I found out I was having a baby. Crazy how one short year can change your life forever.

Perhaps I'm feeling a bit sentimental because it's the holidays and I miss being with my family more than usual at this time of year, but this has been one of the best years of my life. Being pregnant was one of the most amazing times of my life. Bringing Neva into the world was by far the most impressive thing I have ever done. Having almost all of our family to come out to visit over the past 3.5 months has been unbelievable.

But then? Then, they leave. And my heart hurts. And it hurts more after every departure. During this time of year when we're supposed to be all happy and jolly, my heart feels very heavy. Luckily, we still have a few more visitors before the end of the year, but then it will slow down. And my heart will be all achy again.

This sad feeling has increased greatly with the arrival of Neva. It sure would be nice if she could see all of her grandparents, whenever we wanted. It would be tons of fun for her to be able to play with her cousins on a weekly basis, rather than a quarterly basis.

And the weird thing is, before Neva was born, it wasn't so bad. Don't get me wrong, I missed my family everday. But nothing like this! Having a child definitley makes you realize how important and amazing family truly is.

The difference a year makes.

Happy holidays to all of you!!! And much, much love!

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