Sunday, June 26, 2011

Vicious Cycle

Lately I feel as though my life is one big vicious cycle...

Neva doesn't sleep...

Then I'm tired and exhausted...

Then I don't want to exercise....

Then my self-esteem gets a little lower...

And my energy level gets a little lower...

Then I tend to snack a bit more...

Then I get discouraged...

Then my clothes still don't fit and I still don't like the number on the scale...

I miss my sweet baby who was sleeping so long that I got 'in trouble' with our pediatrician and told to wake her up for more night feedings. I miss the sweet angel who would sleep from 7:00pm until 5:30am, wake for a snack and then go right back to bed until 7:00am. I'm not sure if it's teething or a growth spurt or if she just wants to hang out...but I miss sleeping. I am not a fan of getting up at 6:00am every single day of the week. I miss the days of sleeping until noon or napping whenever I felt like it. Eric and I often joke about what it was like to not feel tired all the time. To sleep until 11:00am.

I knew this part of motherhood, getting my body back to normal, would be a challenge.  I just didn't know it would be this difficult.  I miss the confidence I had prior to all the changes my body has endured over the last year and a half.  My self esteem wasn't great, but it sure beat where we are today.  I know, I know...I have a wonderful, sweet, beautiful baby to show for it...but I still don't like this part.  Honestly, I thought it would be a little easier.  Everyone said the weight would all just melt off, and maybe a little extra, since I'm nursing.  Well, that is a crock.  It's way harder than that!!!!  Especially since I have recently been told that I need to consume 2700 calories a day to keep my milk supply up to par.  Bleh.

I am not intending to sound all whiny, but after watching a recent Dateline with 3 year old girls talking about being fat, I have vowed to not say these things out loud...especially in Neva's presence.  So, to get it out of my system, I had to write it out.  That show was extremely disturbing...little girls making fun of each other, talking about fat tummies...did you know there is actually a diagnosis of Infantile Anorexia?  I will not raise my daughter to have body issues and low self esteem.  I want to empower her and give her the confidence that I don't have.

Sweet baby girl, please know that you are beautiful and smart.  Beauty is not measured in the size of your waist or the number on a scale.  It is measured by what's on the inside...and I promise to raise you to recognize that and not worry about the rest.  And I, in turn, will work on accepting what my shell looks like and focus mostly on what's on the inside.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

9 months

Holy Moly....I can't even believe how long it has been since I have written anything!  Not that I have anything ground-breaking to share, but I had committed to keeping this up to date for family and friends who live far away so I need to keep up!!!

And now I say, DAMN IT!  I started this last weekend...but then life happened.  And here it is, a whole week later and I'm still not sure I'll be able to finish this post tonight!

Here goes nothin'...

This little lady is amazing.  Crawling.  Standing while holding on to something.  Trying with all her might to pull to stand.  Chucking her pacifier out of her crib to get us to come back in just one more time.  Amazing, I tell you.  Just amazing.

Life has been busy, to say the least.  My job has been extremely demanding this month.  I hate every June at my job, but this one takes the cake.  And we're only half-way through!  And Eric's schedule continues to be extremely helpful yet extremely difficult.  And this week we found out that our amazing Miss Ronda is moving at the end of July.  And so we start the hunt for a new daycare once again.  What I wouldn't give to be independently wealthy so that I could stay home and play with that amazing gal every single day.

Since I'm in a bit of a grumpy place, again, I'm going to zip it and just share some photos. 

Riding her new toy

Learning to stand!

 Swinging with Dad

An older one, but so cute....Mother's Day

First trip to the pool, thanks Janet!

Enjoying the Strawberry Days parade