Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So, obviously we have been super busy at our house...hence the big gap since my last post!

Neva is, to put it simply, a rock star! She had a terrible cold that kept all of us up for a whole weekend. And since then? Since then she's been sleeping through the night several nights, or waking up ONCE after not moving one inch for 8-9 straight hours. It is AMAZING!! (And I better not jinx this new trend by talking about it!) But it is unbelievable how much better one can feel getting several hours of a row!

She has tried rice cereal, butternut squash and peas over the past few weeks. Not a huge fan of any of them, but if she's anything like her Mom and Dad she'll be loving food in no time! In the meantime, it sure is funny to watch her try to figure out what in the world we are doing to her!

She is rolling everywhere! Funny how you get so excited for them to do all these new things...and then you wonder why in the world you want them to! I miss the days of diaper changes being so simple! And know that it will only get more difficult from here on out! She is also doing some sitting on her own, more in the hunched over, checking out her toes position. But she gets upright for a few seconds here and there...we're working on it!

And I swear she's giving hugs! She gets so excited when we arrive at Miss Ronda's in the morning that she squeals as we're walking in the door. And then, when I pass her off to Ronda, she wraps her little arms around her neck and squeezes. And...she does this when I pick her up in the afternoon. It's so precious!

It's amazing what a different perspective you have on life with a little sleep! Thank you, Neva!!!

1 comment:

  1. Rock star indeed- and a gorgeous one at that!

    I'm glad to read that you're getting some much needed rest... keep it up Miss Neva!


