Friday, December 9, 2011


Neva's new word this week....BOOBIES!  She knows that she has them, but not anyone else...and I'd like to keep it that way!  I'm sure this isn't the most appropriate thing for a 15 month old to be saying, but it sure makes me giggle!  I know, I know, we need to start watching what we say around her.  But I just can't help it! 

She's picking up all kinds of new things recently...she loves to lie on her belly and color.

She will shake hands when she meets new people and we say, "Nice to meet you". 

She LOVES to hug our pets.  Specifically Bella and will take her to the ground, but she also likes to hug Risa.  Otis on the other hand, I'm not sure that she knows that he lives at our house.  And since this is for Neva...I thought I'd put up some pics of our beloved pets, so that she'll always remember them!

Bella...showing us just how important she is by sleeping in our bed

Risa all snuggled up on a Boppy

The one, the only...Otis

A new baby started at her daycare and she likes to 'help' with her.  She'll bring her toys that she can't reach, go to her when she cries...quite the little mama hen we have on her hands.  She likes to do the same things at home, with her baby dolls.  She feeds them and helps them go "night night".   It is so amazing to watch her take care of babies.  Really...already?  Where does she come up with this stuff???

1 comment:

  1. OHH! She is getting so big! Give her huge hugs and kisses from the Grists.
