Wednesday, August 1, 2012

23 months

Little Miss will officially be 23 months on Saturday....but I'm going to jump the gun a bit here and tell you what she's been up to.

She loves to dance...or watch Mama dance.  She will say 'belly dance' and starting shaking her hips and doing her slow hands.  She is going to be quite the dancer someday.

She likes to talk on her 'Princess Phone' and call any number of friends and family.  She always asks, 'Ma hi you?'  Which is her version of 'How are you?' ... I hope she never learns to say it the right way.  It is just too damn cute.

Pretending to be a baby is now one of her favorite activities.  We even have to hold her cup for her and pretend it is a bottle.  She will say 'ah goo' just like she did when she was tiny, rather than talking.  And will fake cry.  It's hysterical.

She is trying to jump, which might be the best thing I've ever seen.  Watching someone try to get both feet off the ground at the same time is quite the sight.

She LOVES going to Becca's house.  When she gets told no or isn't interested in what we're doing at home, she asks for Becca.  Hysterical.  And I love that she loves Becca that much.

Swimming is a new favorite.  We have only been once this summer, but she apparently remembered going last summer.  We put some floaties on her arms and she wanted to do it herself...and told us so repeatedly.  She would stick her mouth in and blow bubbles, move her arms, kick her feet like mad and even try to float on her back.  And yes, all by herself.

She loves our neighbor across the street.  If we go outside, she often demands that we go over there.  If she's looking out the window and sees his house, she demands we go over there.  Best part is, he's starting to do the same thing.

She is also super interested in potty training...and has been for months.  She is pretty good about getting on the potty, most of the time...and really enjoys the one mini M&M she gets for going on the potty.  She also thinks her panties are pretty amazing.  I agree.  On her?  They are the cutest thing ever.

She is SO much fun right now.  She fills my whole heart.


  1. We love her soooo much! I am going to read this to the girls. They will fall more in love with miss Neva. Hugs to you! The Grists

  2. My heart fills with joy reading how much Neva enjoys coming over. I feel truly blessed to have spent time caring for Neva in the past year. I have been able to watch her grow and bloom into such an amazing strong minded little girl.
    I hope Neva reads the words you have written for her and knows that she is very loved. I know that the joys that she has given me will come back to her ten fold! I thank you for sharing your child with me.
    Love always,
