Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Guess who's TWO!

I don't know how in the world it is possible, but Miss Neva is officially 2.  Don't get me wrong, we've been experiencing the "Terrible Twos" for awhile, but now she is actually 2 years old.  My baby is getting so big.  I got a little emotional last night when thinking about the past two years.  I had no idea how different our life would be with the addition of Neva Mae, but I would not trade it for anything in the world!  She is just simply amazing.  She has made our lives complete and I love her more and more every single day.  She makes me laugh harder than almost anyone I know and can make me instantly feel better with a smile, a sweet compliment or by any one of her hysterical things that she does on a daily basis.  Truly, I couldn't be happier.

On to the birthday girl....We had a great party over the weekend with lots of food, family and friends!  And at Neva's request, it was a turtle party...complete with a turtle cake that I was able to make with the assistance of Aunt Mandy!  Last night, we had pizza and chicken bones (aka chicken wings)...again at her request.  When I asked if she wanted anything else, she said "to eat it".  Good girl.  Yes you can have your pizza and eat it, too.  And at bedtime, she didn't want to sing the usual bedtime songs...but did sing "Happy Birthday" to herself three times before hitting the sack.

She's just a boatload of fun right now, here's some fun things she's up to:

Singing her ABCs..adorable!
Learning to jump - hysterical, I tell you!!
Running, barefoot and calling herself Zola Budd when she does!
Pretending to be a baby, using anything she can find as her "binky" and drinking from a toy bottle.
Potty training, complete with an enthusiastic "Ta da!" or "I did it!" afterwards.
Saying, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!" at bedtime.
Putting Daddy in time-out...and calling him "Daddy Brotherson" or "Eric" when he's in trouble!
The most classic surprised and sad faces that I have ever seen.
Pretending to cry - pretend play is big at our house right now!
Her 2-year molars are coming in and her awesome parents didn't even notice!

She's just amazing...and growing and changing every single day!


  1. Can't believe how much I love this little girl. You guys are awesome parents!

  2. Happy Birthday, Neva! She is just beautiful, Sarah, and I can't wait to spend more time with her over the years... watching her grow! Love you to you all!!!
