Monday, September 8, 2014


I cannot believe that my baby girl has turned FOUR!  Where in the world is the time goin?!?!?

I have been a mess of emotions this past week...both of my babies are in daycare full time,  I miss them terribly all day, every day.

The school year has started and Neva is in her last year of preschool! Her first day back was apparently not great. When I picked her up last Wednesday and asked how her day was, she responded, "I don't want to talk about it."  That will rip a mama's heart into a million pieces.  She went on to tell me later that nobody wanted to play with her and that someone pushed her.  Not how you want the school year to start!

And last Thursday, she turned four.  I don't even know how that's possible. It still feels like she was just joining our family.  And at the same time it feels like she will be moving out any minute.  She is getting so big and it's happening so fast.

I have been having a very hard time with all of this recently.  I feel like time is just slipping and all these precious moments are going by so quickly.  I feel like I didn't enjoy her infancy as much as I should have, as it was just so hard to adjust to bringing a baby into the world.  I am just feeling lots of regret and absolutely heartbroken that my baby isn't going to be a baby for much longer.

She's becoming a daddy's girl. It's so sweet to watch and to hear her say that she's going to marry her daddy when she gets bigger is just too damn cute.  But I also miss the days where I was the center of her universe.  She is able to play by herself very well and for very long periods of time.  She just doesn't need me as much anymore.  It's so hard.

I miss her littleness.  I miss her snuggles in the middle of the night that comes along with having a small baby.  Things are changing and I'm having a hard time adjusting.

But my big girl is four!  And while it is hard, I know that it also comes with all sorts of new adventures for us!  More dance classes and other hobbies will start soon.  She's old enough to really do stuff with, which is fun!  She and I have talked about going to get pedicures....we're just going to have to go do it SOON!

She is hysterically funny right now, which is awesome!  She loves to tell knock-knock jokes and even knows a few funny ones!  She has the most amazing imagination I have EVER seen.  She can keep herself entertained for long periods of time...I have never seen anything like it!!! 

She is an amazing helper!  She loves to clean with us, especially the doors and windows!  And she is amazing at helping with her little brother.  She will always grab a diaper or a burp rag...or whatever else may be needed.

She is just one amazing child and I can't wait to see what comes next in her life!!!!

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