Thursday, June 17, 2010

30 weeks!

Even typing that, 30 weeks, I can't believe it! I can't believe that in only 10 short weeks, we'll be snuggling Baby B rather than rubbing my belly! I am excited, anxious, excited, nervous...words can't even express all the feelings I go through in a regular day!

I am feeling rather large these days! (I will post a pic soon, but thought I'd get a good one of the belly at our bellydance performance this weekend). I am loving the belly, but really could do without all the excess fat that has taken residence on my thighs and backside! I know it's all for a GREAT cause and will blame this mostly on an insensitive comment made several years ago, that for some reason I can't let go! And it blows my mind as to why this is happening...I continue to dance and Eric and I walk most nights, for a total of about 15 miles each week. Guess the body is going to do whatever it wants to do during pregnancy!

Other than that, still feeling great! I have been sleeping well...and feel like I could just sleep for days on end sometimes! My legs get a little restless and feet a little swollen (especially on days I don't walk or dance) but Eric has been great about rubbing them to get the blood circulating better...amazing! No heartburn, no sickness, no nothing...other than my belly growing, I have missed the majority of the other pregnancy symptoms! (Knocking on wood now).

Starting to get anxious about the actual labor. Have heard quite the variety of comments, ranging from being crazy to birth without drugs because it hurts like's not that bad really and you have the greatest reward in the end. Just going to continue reading books and watching videos about the process and how to manage the pain. I'm excited to see how my mind and body handle this process so I can pass on super encouraging words to those who do this next!

We also had a lovely visit with my mom, sister and new niece over the weekend! That little one is so cute! I found myself waking up during the night when she was here and getting nervous that I didn't hear her...funny how that mindset has already kicked in! And luckily for all of us, she would just wake up sucking her hands rather than crying! (Take notes, Baby B). The weather didn't cooperate, but we had fun chatting, shopping, playing with Elliott, eating, etc. All around a great visit!

Getting ready for Father's Day and Strawberry Days this weekend! Should be a fun weekend!


  1. I can't wait 'til your little one arrives!!!

  2. I am so excited for you! I bet you look like a fabulous preggo woman.
