Friday, September 3, 2010

41 weeks!

Not the best picture, but you get the idea!

Here we are, officially 41 weeks week past our due date and one week to get this baby here!

We met with Jasmine last night and all looks good. Lots of fluid around the baby, good heart rate at 148bpm and facing head down, ready to go! Just might need a little encouragement! So, today we're starting some homeopathy (Black Kohash and Blue Kohash) to see if that will stop the Braxton Hicks contractions and encourage some uterine contractions. I'm hoping the baby will be here over the weekend, but if not we'll see Jasmine on Monday and continue with some gentler induction methods.

She has instructed me that today is my last day at work. Somewhat bitter sweet... Don't get me wrong, I'll enjoy my time at home but I'd really like to have those days for when the baby arrives! Luckily Monday is a holiday, so that doesn't count...and hopefully we'll have a baby over Labor Day weekend!

On the other hand, I still feel really good for the most part. Okay, I'm a little tired as I didn't sleep last night but for the most part...I feel good. I know this is alarming to people...How could I possibly feel good? How could I possibly still be working? How could I possibly still be wearing heels? Guess I'm just that amazing! :)

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