Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Yes, I am past my due date. However, I am pretty sure I am not the first woman in history to ever go over a due date. That said, I think the following comments which I have heard already this week are somewhat inappropriate.

"Oh my, you're still here?" Yes I am...and due to the fact that I work for a non-profit organization and don't have the world's best maternity leave plan, I will be here until the baby is born.

"You must be miserable!" No, actually, I still feel good. This baby and I have been very nice to each other. I still feel great, still sleep great (most nights)...just doing great!

"I bet you're ready for this to all be over." OR "Don't worry, you won't be pregnant forever." See above. And add in there that I have it pretty easy right now! My body is still providing a safe, warm home for the baby. My job is about to get much harder, but right now? I have it pretty good!

"Can't you have this baby already?" Well, since I have so much control over it!! This baby will come when he/she is ready!! Think about the journey this one has lying ahead!

"Hopefully we won't see you at ____ (fill in the blank with a variety of things!)". Hoping people aren't saying this to people on a regular basis!

"Are you sure your midwife didn't get your due date wrong?" Well, no, it is very possible that is a little off since they are a guess anyways! But that is the case with all pregnancies!

On a serious note, I am feeling great! Eric and I are ready for this baby to arrive! And somewhat relieved that this baby hasn't arrived yet, as Jasmine has been very busy delivering babies over the past week. We are perfectly content to wait our turn so we can have her undivided attention! In the meantime, we are enjoying long nightly walks and timing contractions to see if they might lead up to something! Tomorrow? Tomorrow, I'm have a massage by the most amazing massage therapist out there. And I'm sure she'll know all the right spots to work on to help things along. We're also enjoying having my mom here, helping us prepare for the arrival of this little one. Any ol' time baby, whenever you're ready!


  1. I am so glad to hear you are still feeling well and I am jealous of your massage... it is rainy and dark here today, and a massage sounds like bliss!

  2. I was 10 days late with Paige. I do remember it felt like such a special time. That waiting period is amazing. You're waiting for one of the biggest days of your life and it
    s just so exciting. With Ali, I was one week late. My doctor was going on vacation and so she had me come in and broke my water. Then they brought me a crockpot filled with warm towels to put on my breasts. I had to do nipple massage- awkward! At least I didn't have to do pitosin. It worked. I went into labor. We're sure thinking about you and can't wait to hear.
