Monday, August 16, 2010

38 weeks

We have hit 38 weeks and I would the nesting is in full force right now!

I have completed some projects that I wanted to have done prior to the baby's arrival. I started knitting this blanket months ago. I'm not a very good knitter and had to use a loom...and am not sure I'll ever knit again! is the finished project.

And I sewed this quilt. It's not perfect and it's much smaller than I originally anticipated, but I made a quilt damn it. Aside from a gift for Mandy & Elliott, I haven't sewn anything without help from my mom or my grandma... And I'm quite please with myself. Have a look...

Yesterday, poor Eric got to rearrange our bedrooms on his own...because, really?? I'm not much for lifting furniture these days. But the rooms are ready for the arrival of the little one. The baby room is ready. Our room is now ready, complete with a rocking chair and bassinet. And the guest room has been rearranged to accommodate all of the furniture that we just couldn't fit in our bedroom any longer!

I am actually on top of things and for the most part caught up at work. I have paperwork from one meeting last week to complete and a few things to finish up, but I have been putting in lots of extra hours over the past few weeks to get things caught up and ready for someone else to deal with while I'm out for a few weeks....and it feels so great! Staying on top of my caseload, including having paperwork up to date? NEVER.HAPPENS. I'd say we're ready to go!

Still feeling well...I could sleep for days straight sometimes. However, I have been better about lying down when I get home from work and napping on the weekends. Enjoying all of the quiet time that we have left...and so looking forward to that quiet time being filled with sweet baby sounds in the next few weeks!!!!

The countdown is on....10 days (give or take) and counting...


  1. Nice work Sarah! I am so anxious to hear about this baby's arrival!

  2. Great work, Sarah! You are an active nester :) CAN:T WAIT to meet this little B!
