Thursday, August 19, 2010

39 weeks

Tomorrow marks 39 weeks. One more (official) week of waiting!

Again, I say, I can't believe how fast this has all gone.

We had another home visit this week with Jasmine and she brought another assistant, Alicia. Alicia is a very sweet soul, who was so excited to meet us...and our baby. She introduced herself to the baby before touching my belly and it was so sweet.

My belly is measuring at 35 weeks, significantly different than last week. Which means the baby has dropped and is getting ready to meet us! Baby's heart rate was good at 146. Keep trying to follow an old wives' tale...low means one sex, high means the other...but baby keeps it right in the middle, so we can't even make a guess based on the heart rate!

Every visit, Jasmine asks me how I'm feeling. Every week it's the same...feeling good, sleeping good, still exercising, just doing well in general. This pregnancy business has been very enjoyable...I've had very few complaints, very few sleepless nights...and consider myself extremely lucky. Jasmine told me, in her sweet and gentle way, that women usually have to get to a point where they are really uncomfortable before their babies are born. She also joked about putting me on a coke and white bread diet, so that the baby doesn't like being inside anymore. Of course, she was joking...I'll continue to drink my tea, take my herbs and take a handful of supplements everyday. Alicia disagreed somewhat and informed us that she feels that I will feel great up to the end and be one of those women who has an "orgasmic" birth. Don't know if I'll be that lucky, but that would be better than many of the birth stories I've heard!

So, at this point, we wait. We get to continue to hear the guesses of when the baby will arrive....full moon on the 24th, first time moms never deliver on time, it will definitely be September before this baby arrives...we've heard quite a range of guesses. Some dates have passed and some still seem very far away. Only thing for sure, this baby will come when he/she is ready. And I can't wait!

Baby may be waiting until we decide on at least one name for each that case, I hope the baby comes out wearing a name tag.

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