Friday, August 27, 2010

40 weeks

Here we are. We've reached our due date (according to us, although at our appointment yesterday with Jasmine, she had that as our due date...first time I've heard that). 40 whole weeks of pregnancy completed. And we're just waiting. Amazing how patient you can be for 40 weeks and now Eric and I are both anxious, nervous, excited and feeling ready to meet this baby.

At our appointment yesterday, all is looking well. My blood pressure had gone up a little at an appointment a few weeks ago, but was back down yesterday after taking some herbs for the past 2 weeks. They aren't delicious, but they did the trick! She re-tested me for Group Beta Strep as we did my initial test early but they are only considered valid for 4 weeks. Baby's heart rate was perfect at 140bpm. Still feeling pretty good, just could use a little more sleep! Plan on doing lots of resting and napping over the weekend!

The house is still clean, my work is still caught up and ready for someone else to take we just wait. Hopefully, somewhat patiently.

Here is a 40 week picture for your viewing pleasure!


  1. ALSO, 1) You look fantastic! 2) You should be having a baby boy around lunch time tomorrow, as per my official guess back in May.

  2. Thinking of you! You look beautiful, and this little bundle WILL be here soon!
