Friday, October 8, 2010

Neva's Birth

Finally, five weeks later, I figure I should write about my birth experience before I can’t recall what it was like! (Thanks to Aarin for taking notes throughout the day to help me!)

On Thursday, September 2, contractions started. They woke me a few times during the night but I didn’t really think anything of it since all the pain was in my back. Little did I know I would only experience back labor.

They continued on Friday. I still didn’t realize exactly what was happening and went to work. Finally decided I should start timing the breaks between the back pain as well as the duration of the pain. They were pretty regular at about 5-7 minutes apart. I continued to work the whole day and helped with random tasks, such as moving furniture, as I still wasn’t convinced that I was actually in labor. It was a completely different ‘pain’ than what I had anticipated and since it was all in my back, it took me awhile to catch on!

When I got home from work, Eric and I decided I should call Jasmine and let her know what had been going on. She informed me to eat something bland, so we all had noodles with butter on them for dinner. My mom, Eric and I enjoyed a movie during dinner as well. Eric and I also went for a walk to help things progress and I let Aarin know what was going on and she headed over to do some massage and to help as things progressed. We also called my sister and let her know that she should start heading to Colorado, after celebrating her birthday with dinner and drinks with her husband. Jasmine came and checked things out about 10:45 – 1 cm and 50% effaced. She informed us that I could take a shower to help with the pain and then we should all try to get some rest.

I did not sleep much. And neither did Eric. He was a trooper and got up with me for almost every contraction. I tried to let him sleep, but eventually needed his help and just enjoyed having him up with me. Eric and I were back downstairs around 2:00am, as I didn’t want to wake everyone. At around 3:00am we woke everyone back up, Jasmine informed us that I was in active labor. Everyone was awesome, helping me through each contraction. Around 5:00am I took another shower to help with the pain.

Jasmine had to leave to go to Palisade, about one hour away, to deliver another baby.  She assured us that she would be back in time to deliver our baby. In the meantime, her wonderful assistant came to be with us at about 6:00am. Around 8:00am they started filling up the tub and I was soaking away by 9:00am.

Jasmine was back at our house by around 11:00am (that baby came fast!) and I was beginning to have a hard time with the contractions. I was encouraged out of the tub around noon. Jasmine checked me again and things were progressing. My sister arrived around this time. I had joked that I hoped she would not get here in time for the baby to be born because if she did, that would mean I was in labor for a long time…

After laboring around the house – in the bathroom, in our bedroom, walking the stairs, etc. – I was able to get back in the tub! I thought my water had broken and I was ready to push, but I was wrong. We switched the music to a play list called “Baby Booty Mix” as the meditative mix wasn’t doing much for me anymore. I was again encouraged to get out of the tub and move around, which I did, after some resistance.

Eric and I eventually headed back upstairs. He took a much needed and well-deserved break as he had been with me for every second so far. After that, we were in our bathroom alone for quite some time. I was able to feel my bag of water bulging, but it just wouldn’t break. This was an extremely challenging time for both of us and I didn’t think I would be able to continue. After about an hour, Jasmine came in and broke my water. We headed back downstairs and were able to get back into the tub as the baby was on its way!

This part was amazing. The contractions were intense and like nothing I’ve ever experienced, as was the pushing, but then there was a nice long break before the next one. The pushing feels like nothing I’ve ever done before, but it was amazing. I don’t know how long I pushed before she arrived…but I know the second her head was born, I felt immediately better. The rest of her came out in one push and all the pain was gone.

Neva Mae Brotherson was born at 6:44pm on Saturday, September 4, peacefully in water at home. The first few moments were a little scary as she was born with her cord around her neck and not breathing. Jasmine gave her 4 breaths and then Neva cried! Jasmine did an amazing job at not getting all of us worked up about what was going on at the time. I was never worried because I could see Neva’s sweet face and her big eyes looking around checking everything out…so amazing to see her finally!

We got out of the tub and enjoyed bonding as a family on the couch. Aarin fed me a delicious enchilada (made by my sweet husband). Jasmine monitored my status and we had our first nursing session. The three of us eventually went upstairs for the night. Jasmine did her newborn exam in our bed with the birth team all present. It was so special to share that with the women who were there to support us during the birth. Eric's parents also stopped by to meet their new grand-daughter. Everyone left and Eric and I enjoyed our first night as a family of 3. I don’t think we slept much, but we enjoyed staring at our beautiful new daughter and talking about the events of the day.

Another cool part of the day was that my dad was called during the pushing stage of her birth. He, my step mom and little brother were able to listen to Neva be born. As close as it gets to being there, while still being a state away. My brother jokes that I give birth like a girl…

There are so many reasons that I enjoyed birthing at home and would do it the same way again and again. Okay, maybe only one more time…but you get the idea!! Since then we have enjoyed getting to know Neva and watching her sweet personality emerge. She truly is the best thing to ever happen to us!

I would like to give a huge thank you to our birth team. Jasmine, the most amazing midwife ever. Alicia, a huge support to us throughout the day. My mom, the best mom out there. My sister, the best sister and friend a girl could ask for. Aarin, a wonderful friend and amazing doula. And Eric, the most amazing husband and birth partner out there. Everyone helped with each contraction physically and mentally…the support you provided was amazing! Without all of your help, I don’t know that I would have been able to do this!

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