Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Losing Interest...

I think I lost a lot of readers when I took a hiatus from writing on here for a bit.  My last post was read by a total of 3 people...the one before that?  19.

I had big dreams of being one of those blogs that really took off.  Others who blog may be aware of momastery of Mama Laughlin...both who have thousands of followers at this point and always have something clever to say, or a cause that they are promoting, hosting giveaways, inspiring people...and what not.  That hasn't worked out for me so least not yet.

I always think I have something interesting to say, but once it gets down on usually ends up sounding rather boring or lame.  I've never been much of a writer, but I thought I'd give it a whirl when I started this blog.

I thought that pregnancy, infancy, toddler hood would all give me earth-shattering things to discuss here in blog land.  Turns out life is just more chaotic and the amazing things that fill my days are really of little interest to others.  I see that when I tell the millionth story of what Neva is up to or when only 3 people check in to see what I have to say.

Funny how what is so important to me, is so boring to someone else.  How do you not find the hilarity in Neva demanding to change dresses before leaving the house yesterday because she wanted one that "twirled more"?  How can you not understand how exhausting it is to negotiate with a 2-year-old about taking the insane amount of antibiotics that we have to give her right now to fight an ear infection?  I mean, seriously, bribing her with chocolate at 7:00 in the morning doesn't sound ridiculous to anyone else?

I love my life.  Crazy as it may be.  It makes me happy.  It's exhausting and chaotic and never goes quite as planned.  But I find it hilarious and amazing all at the same time.

But...I've learned that people don't necessarily want to hear about the daily happenings in the Brotherson household.  They want something monumental, something that we could potentially argue and debate about.....something more.

So, I'm working on it.....and I'll be back.


  1. I love when you write about the stuff that comes from deep down inside of you... you know, all that stuff that makes you tick!

    I also love a good debate- and love introducing one on my own blog- but only when it's something I feel good and strong about... or am ready to learn about more (those opinions that differ from your own certainly help in the self-growth department, let me tell you!).

    And yes- you are awesome! Super, super awesome!

    xoxo, Courtney

  2. Being so far away from you guys on a daily basis, I love the connection that I get from reading your blog. The young ones in our lives are truly a reflection of their parenting, and you guys are doing an amazing job. Your comments are heartfelt and show the love that you have for your family and are reflections of the love I have for mine.

    Love you always,

  3. I look forward to your updates! For realz. Keep blogging. Even if it's only for a handful of family members who read. We do want to know. Oh, and if there is nothing brilliant to say, just give us a picture. And, honestly, you don't wanna be Mama Laughlin, because people seriously judge her everyday. You see the haters in her comments section? Scary.

  4. I DO want to hear all about your daily lives!! I will read whatever you write, though, because it makes me feel like you guys are just that much closer. If you swtich to writing about.. say baseball...I might not enjoy it as much, but will always read! I cannot imagine how you find time to blog, and I think that is really awesome that you do. Love you!!!
    Kelly G

  5. I LOVE reading whatever you write, whenever you write. I usually check in at least once a week, although I admit I missed your earlier March one. Things were a little hectic around here about then. I love a glimpse into your daily lives, and the pictures - oh my! It is gratifying to me to know that some things never change, that the things I wondered and worried about when you were small are the same things that concern you now! I don't know how you find time to do all that you do, but I am glad this is a part of it. I worried about the stretch between Thanksgiving and now, even though I knew it was a busy, busy time. Please don't stop!! I am SO proud of you all - Love you!

  6. I love that you post updates about you and your lil family since we're so far apart. Keep it up, lady. :)
