Sunday, March 31, 2013

Our First Easter

I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get into the Easter spirit...then I realized it was because usually Neva and I are home without Eric.  Unfortunately, he still works on the weekends....luckily, it's not on Sunday anymore.

Last night, Neva asked me about Easter.  I try to be gentle, yet honest...

In a nut shell, it went something like this.... 

Me:  Do you know why we're celebrating Easter?  Well, Neva...some mean guys thought that Jesus was lying about who he was so they hung him on the cross.  He died so that our sins, all the mean or naughty things that we do, would be forgiven.  3 days after he died, he rose again.

N:  Mom, I don't like bad guys.

Me:  Me neither, Neva.  I like good guys, like Jesus.

N:  Yea, like Spiderman.

Me:  Yep, Spiderman is a good guy.  But Jesus is like the ultimate good guy.

N:  Where does Jesus live, Mom?

Me:  He lives above the clouds, in a place called Heaven.

N:  I can't see him.

Me:  No, we can't see him.  But he's always with us.  You can talk to him anytime you need to.  If you feel scared, you can ask him to help you feel safe.  If you feel sad, you can talk to him about feeling better.  You can say sorry and ask forgiveness when we are mean to our friends.  And he's always with you, in your heart.

N:  He's in my heart?  I can feel him there!!

We put our hands over her heart and felt it beating. 

N:  That's Jesus, Mom!  He lives in my heart!  In my boobies!!!

Yep, that's our girl.  I love her to pieces.


  1. Too funny! I love those sweet conversations about more challenging topics. Last night Greta grilled me about the origins of babies in detail. That was fun. This morning I heard her telling Pete that "Everyone has three holes. Well, not you daddy cuz one is for the baby to come out." Ugh. I guess she got it, but it was funny to hear it in her funny way. Greta and I also talked about Jesus a few months back. Greta: Jesus is in our hearts.
    Me: Yes, he is, Greta.
    Greta: He can't get out.
    Me: ...
    Greta: I bet he is covered in blood.
    Kids really do say the strangest things.
    Love you! Love the post!
    Kelly G

  2. Jesus lives in my boobies too.

    Eek! It sounds so much better coming from Neva. So much better. Way, way, WAY less sacrilegious. Or something. I love that girl, like, SO MUCH.


  3. By the way- LOOK AT HOW CUTE NEVA IS!! SO CUTE!!

