Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dream A Little Dream...

I know that I have done a lot of talking about some of the not so fun aspects of pregnancy. However...I am totally loving the dreams that come along with pregnancy. Dreams are always so interesting to me anyways, but now they are just amazing! Pregnancy dreams definitely make the list of the top 10 cool things about being pregnant!

Over the weekend, I had a dream that Kate Gosselin and her daugher, Leah, showed up to take my bellydance class. In my dream I didn't think anything of it, just greeted them and got them dancing.

In another recent dream were tons of people I went to middle school or high school with. Most of whom I haven't spoken to in several years. Funny to have their names and faces pop into my dreams.

I've also had a few funny baby dreams. In one, the baby was born on August 15th (don't know if that means anything!) but the baby only weighed a little over a pound. We were at a beach house with Eric's parents, in Florida, and I was carrying around this tiny baby, perplexed at the size. Everyone just kept telling me everything was fine, the baby just came out really small.

I've also had some not so funny dreams, so that were down right scary. In one, a family member passed away. No one wanted to tell me while I was pregnant so they were sending texts back and forth from this person's phone, answering my facebook comments, etc. That dream was totally scary and not fun at all, but still totally vivid.

I have read that dreams become more bizarre and easier to remember because pregnant women are more likely to interrupt a dream-filled cycle of REM sleep by waking up during the night for any number of reasons - bathroom, middle of the night snack, re-situating, etc.

I wish I had started keeping track of some of these crazy dreams. But some of them have been so interesting, I don't think I'll ever forget them!

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