Friday, April 16, 2010

21 weeks

As of today, we are more than halfway done with this pregnancy. That, to me, is crazy! This is going by so fast, I can't even believe it! And we're on the downhill slide, so I'm sure the next few months will go even faster!

We've been working on the baby room. It has been converted from my belly dance room, so mirrors are down, holes from said mirrors are being patched, etc. Crib is up, dresser is up, glider is up...things are coming along! (Pics coming soon!)

I am making the switch to maternity clothes, slowly but surely! And man, are they comfy! We really should wear more pants with elastic waists...they are AMAZING!!! I'm going to save them for holidays...okay, maybe not really, but it sure sounds nice!

Also? I have been feeling the baby move over the past few days. I had thought I had felt it on several occasions already, but now know that I was mistaken! I first felt it on Sunday morning while I was rocking in the rocking chair. Since then, I have been feeling it move around in the evenings after our nightly walk. It's a somewhat bizarre feeling, but totally amazing at the same time. Feeling a little tap from inside is one of the coolest feelings! Now, if I could just catch it in time so that Eric could feel it!

This pregnancy business, is SO cool!

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