Thursday, April 8, 2010

Top 10

I stole this idea from my friend, Aarin, who started a list like this when she was pregnant.

Here is my Top 10 list of things that people have said to me and that I recommend you not say to pregnant women. Luckily, I'm not able to have a full 10 yet and am hoping I don't get that far!

And if any of you have said anything on this list...I apologize for putting your comments on here!!

1. "I thought you looked like you'd gained some weight." When a woman tells you that she is pregnant, the correct response is "CONGRATULATIONS!"

2. "Pregnant in the summer? You're going to be so miserable!" Actually, I love summertime and I'm looking forward to it!

3. "Look at your little pooch growing." Please don't make me go into this again!

4. "You don't look too bad for ____ weeks." Really? You don't look too bad either, for whatever circumstance!

5. "You're just as far along as ______. She isn't showing at all and she hasn't gained any weight yet." That's great for whoever it is that you know, but all bodies are different and please don't try to make me feel like mine is failing in some way!

6. "Oh, Sarah! I barely recognized you!" Okay, I know I've put on a few pounds and I have a little bump going on, but I don't think that I'm unrecognizable!

We'll see how many more I have to add over the next 20 weeks!!!


  1. August 27th is the best day to be born :-) And I am not just saying that because it is my birthday!!!

  2. So, uh... if I were say "WHOA! Eating for three?!" ...that wouldn't be funny? :)

  3. These were the two that I received the most..."Are you sure you only have one in there, you are HUGE!" and
    "How far along are you?" I am 30 weeks. "Oh, you look good for carrying twins."
