Friday, April 23, 2010

22 weeks

So, here we are at 22 weeks!! I still can't believe how fast this is going! According to my weekly email update about what's happening inside my body, the baby is now almost a foot long and weighs in at one whole pound!! Nothing else too exciting going on visually, belly just keeps getting bigger! This week, someone said to me, "Everytime I see you, your belly is bigger!" Well, yes, that is the ultimate goal...would be worried if it was getting smaller at this point!

This baby has been busy practicing his/her soccer skills and dance moves this week! Eric and I have been better about our daily walks, as we have recently turned off our cable (another item off my 101 in 1001 list!!). We go for a good 2-3 mile walk, after that and some yummy dinner the baby starts doing a little happy dance inside my belly! It really is the most amazing thing to feel the little one moving around. Eric has felt it moving once, but usually the baby calms right down when dad puts his hands on my tummy. Sure hope the baby responds like that in the future!!

Let me tell you a little about life without cable. It is....AMAZING! So much stuff is getting done around the house, we've been enjoying the beautiful spring weather, and we actually get to hang out and spend quality time together! Don't get me wrong, we're still watching plenty through Netflix and Hulu and what not...but it's so nice to have the TV off and enjoy some peace and quiet as well! I highly recommend it!!

Don't have much to write about, so here are some pictures. None too current, but a little update!

Here is Baby B and I at 20 weeks.

And here is Eric and the new crib and dresser we've put up in the baby's room.

And here I am trying to get Bella to help test out the glider we'll be using, thanks to some great friends for sharing this (as well as a million other baby items!) She doesn't love it...

1 comment:

  1. Your belly is beautiful!!! I am glad you put up pictures!!!
