Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mountain Fair

Over this past weekend was Mountain Fair. A fun little fair that happens in Carbondale every summer...and all the hippies come out to play. I love Mountain Fair, just for the people watching. This weekend, I saw a real pirate!! Okay, probably not really...but did see a gentleman dressed as a pirate just checking out the fair. And I love it.

I also got to dance with the wonderful ladies of Bella Luz and Sahara Moon. It was hot and humid...and a long night, but definitely fun and totally worth it! I also get to mark one more goal off of my 101 in 1001 list, as I did a solo pregnant. I'm not usually one to do a solo as I'm not overly confident in my dance abilities...I can learn choreography and follow someone else, but when it comes to doing my own thing, I don't feel it's my strong suit. BUT...I did it. I've done a solo once before in front of a much smaller crowd, so I was pretty darn proud of myself.

Dancing with the lovely ladies of Sahara Moon

Me, Aarin and Sophia

Close up shot of belly...dancing at 35 weeks

Side angle view of the belly...during my solo, or duet with Baby Bro

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Baby Shower Pictures

Sophia and I trying our best to chug...way harder than you might think!!

Chocolatey goodness a la Sue....

Super cute decorations a la Aarin...

Aarin, myself and Sophia with my beautifully painted belly mold a la Sophia...

Me taking in the beautiful belly dancing...

Thanks again to Sue and Aarin for hosting such a great shower!! And to everyone for your contributions to making the day so enjoyable! Sorry for not posting more pictures!

The Top 10 Continues...

I was hoping that this list wouldn't grow any longer, but alas, it has!

A few months ago I wrote about the Top 10 things that you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman. I only made it to number 6, but have a few to add...

7. "You look like an Easter Egg!" Even when wearing a yellow sundress, I don't recommend saying this to anyone!

8. "Oh Sarah, you're getting more bow-legged these days...but that's better than me saying your waddling!" Really??? Is it that much better???

And a few of the adult clients have chimed in their thoughts...I'm not going to add them to the list but thought I would share them!

A gentlemen we serve expressed his concern by saying, "Ma'am, you're belly's getting pretty might want to reconsider this." No turning back now, my friend!

And a woman who we also work with stated, "You look like you might have 2 ... or 3 babies in there." Can't take this one too personally, she's not often full of positive comments!

Wonder if we'll actually make it to 10 over the next 5 weeks!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Baby Shower Weekend

Some lovely ladies I have the immense pleasure of belly dancing with threw me an amazing shower this weekend! The decor was amazing, the food was amazing, the women I share this dance with and were able to celebrate our baby with...amazing as well!!!

We ate some delicious snacks including stuffed mushrooms, artichokes, artichoke was all delicious! There were also three huge trays of sweet goodness which included chocolate chip cookie dough fudge, some amazing cookie bars and yummy oatmeal cookies! Beverages and wine were served, including a wine called "Mommy's Time Out" fantastic is that!!!

The women all shared some very touching poems, thoughts, words of wisdom, etc with this soon-to-be-mom. Words were shared about herds of elephants and how similar we are to them. Such cool facts...they are matriarchal, they are the only other mammal that bury their dead, they do some amazing greeting rituals...they truly are just amazing animals! The only part that's not so amazing?? The gestate for 19-22 months and give birth to 260 pound babies!

I was also blessed to have a dear friend paint my belly mold that Eric and I had spent a previous weekend making. It is so beautiful and as soon as I take a picture of it, I will post it! All of the women at the shower also were involved in decorating the mold as they glued gems on the belly to look like stars in the night sky. Absolutely beautiful!!!

We played a funny relay game where the gals stuffed balloons in their shirts and had to put on a diaper blindfolded, sort baby socks, feed each other baby food and chug juice out of a bottle! The chugging sounds fun and easy...but those Stage 1 nipples are no joke!!!

We were also served some delicious homemade Tres Leches absolute favorite! And Baby Bro and I were spoiled beyond belief with gifts from these extremely generous women! We are pretty set for the baby's arrival!

We were also treated to some belly dancing by these amazing women! They danced to some perfect songs..."Lullaby" by Billy Joel, "Be My Baby" and finished it off with some Lady Gaga! I loved every second of it!!!

Another special part of this shower was that my mom and mother-in-law were able to join us in celebrating the arrival of their next grandchild! Such fun to have the woman that gave birth to me and raised me as well as the woman gave birth to and raised my wonderful husband there to share in such a fun day!

So lucky to have such a lovely group of elephants to celebrate with! Thank you all!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What a week

This past week has been full of challenges, bad news and things that just shouldn't happen to families. Eric and I had 2 family members go through some medical procedures. (I'm choosing to keep these private). Thankfully, they both turned out great and all is well in our world! On the other hand...this week, I am once again reminded how lucky we are as I have watched friends deal with loss and illness. I don't understand why we were chosen to have such luck, but I am deeply appreciative. We have dealt with our fair share of life's ups and downs, however we have been lucky enough that are downs are not so bad in comparison.

On the baby front....

We have reached 33 weeks. This weekend, a cashier asked me when I was due. When I responded, "Next month" it took me by surprise a little. Hard to imagine that August is coming and next month our little one will be here. The baby is approximately 17 inches long and weighing in just under 4 pounds. Sure feels like it's growing and getting bigger...seems like I have a foot under my ribs most of the time!

We had our last childbirth class this weekend, so guess now we are "ready". We had 2 new moms come and speak to us about their labor and homebirth experience. Both of their labors were so quick that neither of them had time to get the tub filled! I would like my labor to go quickly, but I would LOVE to be able to get into the tub as well!!

We have also gotten 99% of the birth supplies ready. Yes, I know we have plenty of time. But really, this baby could arrive anytime in the next 5-9 weeks. It has been fun buying all the needed supplies, washing them and getting them ready to go. This means we are getting really close!!!

7 weeks and counting....

Sunday, July 4, 2010

32 weeks

8 weeks to go in the countdown to Baby B's arrival! This week, baby is approximately 3.5-3.75 pounds and about 17 inches long! Main job for Baby over the next few weeks is to add some fat, for a nice squishy delivery!! ;)

The little kicks and punches I have been feeling are becoming harder and more pronounced. Have been told that is due to the fact that the baby's bones are getting hard and baby is getting stronger! Some of them are hard enough to almost take your breath away! However, it's still amazing to me to feel the little jabs coming from inside, as it just reassures me that Baby Bro is doing well inside!

It continues to come to my attention how lucky we have been throughout this whole pregnancy. I got off the hook pretty easily with this pregnancy, compared to some of the stories I've heard from other women who have had a much more difficult time with carrying babies. I've also seen so many women, personally and through the families I work with, who have had terrible things go wrong that cause difficulties or tragedy with their children. I am thankful everyday that Baby Bro and I have done so well throughout this whole process.

On another note, we attended our first childbirth class with Jasmine yesterday. She is one smart cookie, I tell you! We discussed all the stages of labor, what to expect and some ideas on how to cope with them. We also discussed worst case scenarios and how they are handled. She comes completely prepared to treat most cases, but also discussed getting us to the hospital, if needed and what may happen there. Sitting in our class with one other couple yesterday and hearing Jasmine explain what to expect reassured me, once again, that we have made the best choice for us. Here are some of the major positives:

Being able to birth around the house using the kitchen sink, the couch, the bed, the shower or whatever else may feel comfortable to me.

Being able to eat and drink freely throughout labor.

Being able to move freely throughout the environment.

Being in a comfortable, familiar environment.

Being around germs that my body is already familiar with.

Being surrounded only by people who I know, love and trust dearly.

Being able to snuggle with my new family right after the baby arrives in the comfort of our bed.

I continue to have so many feelings about the birth process. There were several times during class yesterday when I got almost teary eyed when discussing talking to the baby to help him/her want to come out and when discussing the first few moments after birth of meeting our baby and bonding with that sweet little bundle. I just can't wait! However, I still find myself being somewhat scared about what lies ahead. I think it's because it is so foreign and unknown to me and no other woman can tell you what the experience will be like for you. I've heard many stories from many women. Some explain it as severe cramps and the pushing not hurting that badly at all and some tell me it's the worst pain they've ever experienced in their life. Jasmine asked us to start visualizing our birth to that's my homework for the next week. One helpful thing so far is Eric. I really can't imagine anyone having a more supportive partner in life and to go through this process with. He will randomly say things to me about how great I'm going to do with the birth. I don't even have to have recently expressed any concerns or feelings, yet he just knows the right things to say! Amazing, I tell you.

I am so blessed and so so many ways.