Sunday, July 11, 2010

What a week

This past week has been full of challenges, bad news and things that just shouldn't happen to families. Eric and I had 2 family members go through some medical procedures. (I'm choosing to keep these private). Thankfully, they both turned out great and all is well in our world! On the other hand...this week, I am once again reminded how lucky we are as I have watched friends deal with loss and illness. I don't understand why we were chosen to have such luck, but I am deeply appreciative. We have dealt with our fair share of life's ups and downs, however we have been lucky enough that are downs are not so bad in comparison.

On the baby front....

We have reached 33 weeks. This weekend, a cashier asked me when I was due. When I responded, "Next month" it took me by surprise a little. Hard to imagine that August is coming and next month our little one will be here. The baby is approximately 17 inches long and weighing in just under 4 pounds. Sure feels like it's growing and getting bigger...seems like I have a foot under my ribs most of the time!

We had our last childbirth class this weekend, so guess now we are "ready". We had 2 new moms come and speak to us about their labor and homebirth experience. Both of their labors were so quick that neither of them had time to get the tub filled! I would like my labor to go quickly, but I would LOVE to be able to get into the tub as well!!

We have also gotten 99% of the birth supplies ready. Yes, I know we have plenty of time. But really, this baby could arrive anytime in the next 5-9 weeks. It has been fun buying all the needed supplies, washing them and getting them ready to go. This means we are getting really close!!!

7 weeks and counting....