Thursday, January 13, 2011


There are countless amazing moments of being a parent. She smiles, she laughs, she coos, she fake coughs because she thinks it's funny, she thinks I am a goddess, she looks deep into my soul and she loves me unconditionally.

And then...then there is teething.

Last week at Neva's 4 month check-up, we were informed that she is in fact teething. Seems early, I know, but guess it's totally normal to start at this age. And then the madness began...for 3 nights she was up every 30 minutes to 2 hours. The fact that she has been such a great sleeper has made this change even more difficult....she has been getting up 1-2 times a night for the past several weeks.

It was insanely difficult to function on that very small amount of sleep.

And this is just the beginning....


  1. TEETHING! ARRGGHH!! Sol is getting his molars right now.

    A suggestion- there's these tablets that dissolve in the mouth. They sell them at Vitamin Cottage- Hyland's Teething Tablets. Well, scratch that. They no longer sell them because they got recalled for some reason or another. New point being- there's teething strips from Hyland's now. I have about four friends using them- we would also if Sol was having a hard time with these molars. People rave- they are homeopathic and really help out with the sleep.



  2. Perfect!!! Thank you, Courtney!!!! We've tried the Hyland's teething gel, but it's messy and difficult to get on her gums especially when she's mad!! Thank you, thank you for the suggestion!!

  3. I hope they work!


