Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Enough Already!

When I decide to share with 'you' that we are having a home birth, that does not give you permission to relay to me the one sad story of the one person you've heard of through a friend of a friend who decided to go the home birth route.

Nor does it warrant the responses, "You're going to do THAT? Who's going to clean up the mess?" But I'm not all fired up about comments like that right now...I'm more worked up about the terrible story 'you' have chosen to share with me and my baby. If I could cover Baby B's ears when 'you' start telling these stories, I totally would!

Eric and I have done our research and chosen this as the safest, best option for us. Need I remind 'you' that home birth has THE SAME fatality rate as hospital births, for women who have normal, healthy pregnancies. And the rates for other interventions are much lower. (Perhaps 'you' should read my previous post talking about home birth statistics. Or better yet, do some research on your own so that you're not reading the facts that I've found...there are tons more out there).

And the fact that I have chosen to share this information with 'you' means that I trust and respect 'you' and didn't expect that 'you' would have one of these comments to share with me about our decision.

I am well aware of the fact that newborn babies pass away all the time, in many different settings. Matter of fact, I get to see some terrible situations working with 0-3 year old children and am well aware that parents can lose a child at really any time, any age, any situation. So please, try to refrain from reminding me that mom's lose their babies all the time...not just at home, but in hospitals, too. I'm guessing 'you' aren't sharing terrible stories of babies dying in hospitals with other expecting moms.

Of course, this isn't directed towards anyone reading this blog...these comments are aimed at people who I have chosen NOT to share this blog with. I know, preaching to the choir, but it sure felt good to get that off my chest!

1 comment:

  1. FIRED UP!! Woo-hoo!

    Sarah, know you and Eric are being supported (although somewhat quietly?) by more people than not. I am so proud of you guys and can't wait for you to add your story to the HIGH amount of extremely positive home birthing stories. It will be an incredible, amazing, life-altering day. And again, I can't wait!!

    xoxo, Courtney
